
Lighting Design in Palermo with a Professional Partner

Lighting design consulting is an essential service for those seeking a customized and high-quality lighting solution. We offer comprehensive assistance for your lighting design project in Palermo and beyond, covering every phase from initial design to implementation, ensuring solutions that meet both aesthetic and functional needs.


Personalized Approach

Our collaboration begins in the early stages of design, working closely with architects and industry professionals. In an increasingly dynamic market filled with innovative offerings, our role is to guide the client through various options, selecting high-quality products and creative ideas that best reflect the project’s needs in terms of budget and quality.

Lighting Design Consulting for Interiors and Exteriors

In Palermo, we offer comprehensive lighting design consulting, providing complete solutions for both interiors and exteriors. Our service includes a detailed analysis of the client’s specific needs and the provision of customized technical information, accompanied by tailored documentation. This way, we guide the client in choosing the most suitable lighting fixtures, optimizing the final decision.

Lighting Design for a Visual Experience and Well-being

Our goal is to create unique environments where light is not just a functional element but becomes an integral part of the visual experience and well-being. To realize your vision and transform spaces into magical and welcoming places, contact us and discover how we can help you.

Richiedi consulenza

Lighting Design in Palermo: Stages of Our Consulting Process 

1. First Meeting

An initial meeting at our store in Palermo to thoroughly understand the project, get to know the owners and their visions. This moment is crucial to laying the foundation for the entire project.

2. Concept

The lighting design consulting begins! We develop a lighting design concept based on the specific needs of each project. We consider aspects such as the location, type of furniture, interior colors, and much more. Each concept is unique and is described in detail, also with the help of photographic examples and environmental references.

3. Lighting Design Project

We transform the initial ideas into a concrete project, selecting specific products and adapting them to the context. We focus on solutions for both interiors (homes, offices, professional studios, hotels, restaurants) and exteriors, respecting regulations and adding a magical and emotional touch.

4. Technical Sheets

We create detailed documentation for the executive project, providing specific information on each lighting product included in the project. This helps the workforce during the various construction phases.

5. Economic Offer

Once all the technical steps are completed, we present a detailed and transparent quote, which includes all the project’s lighting expenses.

6. After Sales

We offer attentive and timely customer care service to meet the client’s needs even after the delivery and installation of the systems.

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Ultimi progetti inseriti


Progetto n1 - Appartamento

Il progetto di illuminotecnica per un appartamento di 130 m² completamente controsoffittato incarna l'essenza della modernità e dell'innovazione. Questa realizzazione è stata concepita per soddisfare le esigenze di un'illuminazione contemporanea, uniforme e adattabile, che si modifica per creare scenari diversi in base alle attività svolte. Esigenze del Cliente: Il focus è stato porre particolare attenzione al desiderio di un'illuminazione che si adatta con facilità e eleganza a ogni momento della giornata. L'obiettivo era quello di creare un ambiente che rispecchiasse uno stile moderno, con un controllo intuitivo delle diverse configurazioni luminose.

Progetto n7 - Appartamento Vele

Il progetto illuminotecnico per l'appartamento è stato attentamente studiato per fornire una soluzione che unisca estetica e funzionalità nel living e nella cucina, seguendo una visione contemporanea dello spazio abitativo.

Progetto n3 - Prospetto esterno

Prospetto esterno L'illuminazione esterna di un prospetto è cruciale non solo per la sicurezza e l'accessibilità, ma anche per esaltare l'architettura e accogliere visitatori in ogni ambiente. Il nostro progetto si concentra sull'impiego di soluzioni tecnologiche avanzate per dare vita a un'illuminazione d'effetto che risalta i contorni e le dimensioni dell'edificio, ponendo particolare attenzione all'ingresso.